We are proud to be your local Church of England primary school. The CE in our school name stands for Church of England and the (VC) in our name stands for voluntary controlled. Being voluntary controlled means that we have members of the local church - All Saints Risley- on our governing body; we follow the Derbyshire County Council (DCC) agreed syllabus for Religious Education and DCC employ the staff.
We have close links with All Saints Church, Risley. The children have collective worship (morning assembly) most days in the church. When they are not in church collective worship takes place in their classrooms.
Collective Worship Policy - February 2024
The most important thing about being a church school is that we are inclusive of families from all faiths and no faiths. We are always happy to discuss our status as a church school with you.
Further details about the church can be found at www.sdrchurches.org.uk
Church of England schools are subject to a "Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools" (SIAMS). Our latest report is below.
You can find out more about the SIAMs process at: https://www.churchofengland.org/about/education-and-schools/church-schools-and-academies/siams-inspections