Early Reading
We teach phonics knowledge in reception year and years one and two. We use "Floppy’s Phonics" from Oxford University Press. We also use many of their phonically decodable books. You can find out more about the programme at:
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Children in the reception year follow the EYFS curriculum. This statutory framework is provided by the Department for Education and can be found at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/974907/EYFS_framework_-_March_2021.pdf
This framework provides a structure that was developed further by Risley School. The children in the reception do not follow specific subjects; they follow areas of learning. Examples of Risley School EYFS plans are provided below. Please note that Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) opportunities are delivered through other areas of learning and geography links in Understanding the World are recorded in the NC Geography plans below.
EYFS Communication, Language and Literacy cycle B
EYFS Understanding the World (linked to Science cycle B)
EYFS Understanding the World (linked to History cycle B)
EYFS Understanding the World Communities (linked to Collective Worship cycle B)
EYFS Understanding the World Communities (linked to RE)
EYFS Expressive Arts (linked to Art cycle B)
EYFS Expressive Arts (linked to DT cycle B)
EYFS Expressive Arts (linked to Music)
Collective Worship (CW)
Reception children have their CW in class daily. Their teacher provides CW and their main resource is "Oscar Out of the Box."