
Risley School has regard for equality issues because equality is part of the school’s ethos as well as a legal duty.  Here we are publishing our response to both the general and specific equality duties set out in the Equality Act 2010, particularly towards individuals and groups with protected characteristics. This policy and objectives were adopted by the governing body on Tuesday 12th November 2020 (minute number 2021-40).

General Equality Duty

Public authorities must:  eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between groups.

Specific Duties

Public authorities will: publish relevant proportionate information showing compliance with the general equality duty; set equality objectives and review them by April 2016 at the latest; then every four years after that (see below for updated objectives).

Groups with Protected Characteristics

The equality duties are to be applied to individuals from groups with the following protected characteristics:  Age (for employees only), Disability, Race, Gender, Gender reassignment; Pregnancy and maternity; Religion or belief; or Sexual orientation

Response of Our School

Risley School is a small school that currently serves 135 children aged 4 to 11. The vast majority of children (93%) are of a White British heritage and the gender mix is 70:65 (boys:girls). Nearly all children at the school have English as their first language. There are children with disabilities registered with us. We have six children currently on the disability and special educational needs register.

The Risley School has made “reasonable adjustments” to the day to day running of the school, such as changing class structure to ensure children with particular needs can access specific accommodation. Where we are unclear about what how definitions of protected characteristics apply to individual cases and what adjustments may be needed - we will seek external advice.

Within school we carefully track and analyse the attainment and progress of every child and of different groups. To support our work on improving outcomes for children from different groupings we specifically hold data on:

1.    The composition of each year group by disability, ethnicity, gender and proficiency in English as a first language.

2.    The types of disability and special educational needs of children at the school.

3.    The academic and behavioural outcomes for children based on their heritage, gender, disability, proficiency with English and special educational needs.

This data is used to identify likely needs, training, resourcing, curriculum adaptations and the possible impact of any new policies or measures on specific groups of children. Data is also used in the setting, monitoring and success of work connected with our equality objective.

There are incidents of unacceptable behaviour and during the investigation of these incidents we are mindful of equality and prejudice. How we respond to behaviour and prejudice are recorded in our behaviour policy.

The governing body consults with the children and the parents on a wide range of issues including equalities directly through attendance at school council, interviews and questionnaires. They also consult with local groups and organisations, including the local authority, on equality.

Within school the head teacher is responsible for ensuring due regard is given to equality within all that the school does. Within the governing body the chair of governors has a monitoring role for equality.

Current Equality Objectives

Objective 1:

Narrow differences in academic outcomes in reading, writing composition, grammar, spelling and maths as judges by end of KS outcomes between children with SEND and those without.

Objective 2:

Increase participation of children identified by school as 'reluctant to participate' and increase the breadth of participation of children the school identifies as 'restricted participants'.

Objective 3:

Increase contact between the school community and groups in the community.

Other equality documents

We have an accessibility plan: Accessibility Plan 2023

We also have a pre-Equality act policy (2010) equality policy (2009) linked to Race, Disability and Gender: Equality Policy