The content of our science, art and design, computing, design and technology, geography, history, music and physical education originates from the National Curriculum (NC) 2014. This structure is provided to us by the Department for Education. The whole document can be found at:
Children from year three to the end of year six also follow the NC for languages (2014) and this is delivered through French.
As we have mixed age classes children meet the content of each subject in cycles, except for phonic knowledge and maths. We also assess children against knowledge end points in each unit in their cycle, as well as end points for their year group. Staff are supported in their delivery of this content with commercial lesson planning and resources from Twinkl, PE Hub, White Rose Maths and Hamilton Trust. The NC only provides a framework and examples of Risley School’s curriculum plans are set out below. Again, you can find out more about our curriculum design and content by contacting the headteacher through our school office contact e-mail address.
Science Knowledge January 2022
Computing: Being safe in Digital World
Geography Fieldwork Knowledge and Scheme
History Knowledge Key Stage One
History Knowledge Key Stage Two
Languages (French) Knowledge and Scheme
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
We follow a question-based curriculum and resources that comes from the PSHE Association, who are a charity that charge for their materials. The Department for Education provides guidance in this curriculum area and have funded the PSHE Association to produce materials that we subscribe to. Below is the cycle we use linked to the resources we have purchased and a summary of the knowledge we want children to reach by the end of year six. Again, you can find out more about our curriculum design and content by contacting the headteacher through our school office contact e-mail address.