Curriculum Collective Worship

Reception and Key Stage One children have their CW in class daily. Their teacher provides CW and their main resources are "Jack in the Box" and "Oscar Out of the Box." In Key Stage Two the main resource is "Values for Life" supported by our own scheme to provide more content on courageous advocacy and disagreeing well. The head teacher provides Key Stage Two content twice a week and the class teacher also provides it twice a week. In addition, we have strong links with our local church, All Saints Church, Risley. Our local vicar, Rev. Phil Selby, supports the delivery of CW for Key Stage Two once a week. Key stage Two delivery is a mixture of recorded video content and live presentation.

The theme for CW in this term is hope. Ideas to support the hope theme are below:


After the children have completed a theme a class will create a display to help them reflect further.

collective worship display

Our CW throws up lots of interesting questions. Children write these down and post them to the vicar at our two question stations.

question station one

question station two

We have displays in our entrance hall to help remind the children about our values and links with the local church.

Values and Vision

Church of England

British Values at Risley

Curriculum Collective Worship

Reception and Key Stage One children have their CW in class daily. Their teacher provides CW and their main resources are "Jack in the Box" and "Oscar Out of the Box." In Key Stage Two the main resource is "Values for Life" supported by our own scheme to provide more content on courageous advocacy and disagreeing well. The head teacher provides Key Stage Two content twice a week and the class teacher also provides it twice a week. In addition, we have strong links with our local church, All Saints Church, Risley. Our local vicar, Rev. Phil Selby, supports the delivery of CW for Key Stage Two once a week. Key stage Two delivery is a mixture of recorded video content and live presentation.

The theme for CW in this term is hope. Ideas to support the hope theme are below:


After the children have completed a theme a class will create a display to help them reflect further.

collective worship display

Our CW throws up lots of interesting questions. Children write these down and post them to the vicar at our two question stations.

question station one

question station two

We have displays in our entrance hall to help remind the children about our values and links with the local church.

Values and Vision

Church of England

British Values at Risley