
We are proud of the way our children look and we ask for your support in continuing this. The lists below explain what we expect but if you have any doubts please discuss this with the head teacher. The school may sanction children who are not following this policy.

We have one supplier of our uniform with school logos; they are Uniformality (Borrowash). Most of our children have some pieces of uniform with our logo. Governors have agreed that children do not need to have the Risley embroidered logo on their uniform. Many supermarkets and online retailers provide school uniform 'basics' at a reasonable price.

They are expected to have items selected from the list below:

  • Grey or gold sweatshirt (round neck) with embroidered Risley logo from our two uniform suppliers or grey or gold cardigan in sweatshirt material with our logo.
  • White polo shirt (short sleeved) with or without school logo.

  • Plain mid grey jumper (v neck) or grey cardigan. Black or very dark grey items are not acceptable.

  • White polo chirt with or without school logo.
  • White shirt or blouse (with a collar). A school gold and black tie may be worn.

  • Grey or black knee length skirt or pinafore with white socks or grey or black tights.

  • Dress with small yellow check or stripes (these are very thin so suitable for warm weather).

  • Grey or black shorts or culottes (both knee length). 

  • Grey or black long trousers.

  • Socks should be plain and we prefer white, grey or black with no branding.

  • Children need a coat that is suitable to the weater of the season. A navvy fleece embriodered with the school logo can be ordered from our suppliers but we do not expect you to purchase them.

Footwear should be black. Shoes (or boots in the winter months) should have heels no greater than 3cm. Please avoid lights, large silver buckles, obvious brand symbols or other embellishments.

We believe that pumps, open toed shoes, sandals and backless shoes are not suitable for physical activities in all-weathers and are therefore not allowed.

Sun protection is an important public health issue so we support children wearing plain hats of any colour during sunny summer weather.

Hats and gloves of any colur can be worn in poor weather. Plain, without branding , prefered.


Children will be told which days they need to come to school in their PE kit. We do change clothes in school. Children that fail to turn up in PE kit will still be expected to join in the lesson.

Children are expected to have items selected from the list below:

  • Plain black sweatshirt (or hoodie and plain black jogging bottoms or a plain black tracksuit without brands or logos.

  • Dark coloured plain trainers (please note that for some activities children will use bare feet).

  • Plain yellow shirt (polo or round neck) with or without a school logo

  • Plain black shorts (not knee length) without brands or logos for warmer weather

  • Socks should be plain. We prefer white, grey or black with no branding

  • A navy Risley School fleece can be worn.

For swimming children need a one-piece costume or close fitting swimming trunks (no long shorts) and a swimming cap. Goggles are recommended. A named drawstring bag should be provided to hold a towel and other items. This kit comes into school only on swimming days and goes home the same day for cleaning.

Children with long hair are required to have it tied back. We have both boys and girls tying their hair back with no comments from the other children.

Hair accessories are allowed as long as they do not interfere with lessons or collective worship.


For safety reason we prefer children not to have earrings. A number of our parents wait until their child has left the school at the end of year six before they have their child’s ears pierced. If it needs to be done earlier then we recommend that it is done at the start of the summer holiday to avoid children having to wear earrings during the healing process at school. Should this healing period move into the school term then we expect that the earrings will be plain gold studs and that the ears are taped over to reduce the risk to your child. There may be some PE activities your child is prevented from doing during this healing period.

Once the ears are healed earrings should be not be worn at school.


Children may wear a watch and they are expected to take it off for PE activities. Other jewellery should not be worn. If you feel there are good reasons for your child wearing an item, such as an emergency medical bracelet, then please discuss this with the headteacher before your child comes to school.

Please mark all clothing and footwear with your child’s name. and check it is still there regularly; they do wash out and labels peel and fall off.


Our school is small and we have limited cloak room space. There is room for every child to have a coat but backpacks take up other people's space. If you are able to only use a school reading folder we ask that you do so. 

If your child needs a backpack because they cycle, scooter or walk a significant distance to school, we ask that the bag be narrow (less than 25cm wide).