Staff and Governors
Head Teacher: Mr Paul Bridgmount
TLR Curriculum Implementation and Training: Mrs Gemma Taylor (Foxes)
SENDCo: Miss Rebecca Turner (Rabbits)
Our classes are named after woodland animals. Class teachers' class names are shown here:
Class Teachers: Mrs Wardle and Miss Turner (Rabbits), Mr Clarke (Squirrels) and Mrs Taylor (Foxes)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jo Spencer
School Business Manager: Mrs Julie Walsh
Senior Midday Supervisor: Mrs Jo Spencer
Midday Supervisors: Mrs Maggie Beardsley, Mrs Erin Bednall and Mrs Walsh
Caretaker: Mr Gerard Mous
The school is supported and challenged by a governing body made up of volunteers from different groups. Parent governors are elected by parents of the school. The foundation governors are appointed by the local parish church. The head teacher and vicar are governors because of the posts that they hold. The staff governor is elected by school staff. The local authority appoint one member. Other members are co-opted by the governing body. We have one associate governor on our finance committee who has voting rights. It is planned that governors serve for four years from their appointment (date of appointment is recorded below for each governor). After four years they may stand for re-election, be co-opted or stand down. Governors have to declare any possible conflict of interest. Currently their are no conflicts declared.
Clerk to Governors: Julie Walsh (paid position)
Chair of Governors: Marie Edinborough Co-opted Governor (13 April 2024)
Foundation Governors: Rev Phil Selby (9 July 2019), Maria Greyling (27 February 2024) and Sonia Jones (22 November 2024)
LA Governor: Rebekah Sherwood (27 June 2023)
Co-opted Governors: Helen Salih (21 Nov 2023) and Jo Spencer (21 Nov 2023)
Parent Governors: Jessica Meyers (26 Jan 2024)
Staff Governors: Paul Bridgmount (Headteacher) and Gemma Taylor (15 July 2022)
Historic Governors (left within the last 12 months):
Rev James Lee (1 June 2022 - 9 August 2024)
Chrissie Rowell (9 May 2023 - 22 July 2024)
Full Governing Body Terms of Reference - September 2024
We have a full governing body meeting each term and sub committee meetings in between the full meetings. The membership of the committees are set out below including who is the committee chair. The remit of each sub committee is indicated by the title of the committee. For example the behaviour and safety committee look strategically at pupil behaviour and the safety of all users of the school site. Complete remits for each committee are available on request from the school office for free.
Personal development, behaviour and welfare: Paul Bridgmount, Marie Edinborough, Maria Greyling and Gemma Taylor
Curriculum: Paul Bridgmount, Marie Edinborough, Jessica Meyers, Gemma Taylor, Helen Salih and Rebekah Sherwood
Finance, Personnel and Premises: Paul Bridgmount, Marie Edinborough, Jessica Meyers, Rebekah Sherwood and Jo Spencer
The terms of reference for the three main sub committees (above) are below:
FPP Committee Terms of Reference -September 2024
Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference - September 2024
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare Terms of Reference - September 2024
SIAMS Committee: Rev Phil Selby, Maria Greyling, Paul Bridgmount, Helen Salih and Michael Clarke. This is a collaboration between staff and governors.
SIAMS Committee Terms of Reference - September 2024
Head Teacher's Performance Management: Marie Edinborough and Rev Phil Selby
This committee supports the professional development of the head teacher.
Pay: Marie Edinborough and Rebecca Sherwood
The terms of reference for the pay committee can be read here:
Pay Committee Terms of Reference - September 2024
Governance Annual Statement and Attendance Record 2023-2024
How you can contact the Governing Body.
The Chair of Governors, Mrs Marie Edinborough, can be contacted via the School Office who also holds a full list of governors and minutes of full governing body meeting.